Island Delight

Last weekend I ordered a delicious looking tropical concoction with rum that the bartender called an “Island Delight”. Despite attempts to get the exact recipe before leaving, he would only divulge that it contained OJ, Piña Colada Mix, Malibu Rum and Grenadine. We went back to the office and gave it a couple of “shots” and think we came up with a pretty tasty  mix.

Enjoy, ’cause after all, who couldn’t use a little Island Delight?

*We love bringing you amazing rum recipes! Our recipes may contain affiliate links to products that we use. If you click the link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support in helping us to continue providing rumlicious, tropical recipes!

Island Delight

Enjoy, ’cause after all, who couldn’t use a little Island Delight?
Course: Drinks
Servings: 1



  • Mix rum, piña colada mix, orange juice and ice in a blender until thick and frosty.
  • Pour into a glass. Add grenadine and mix in just slightly.
  • Garnish with an orange slice.

Check out more delicious rum recipes here!

Copyright©Rum Therapy
Pictures and other content may not be re-used without written consent from Rum Therapy, LLC

Raspberry Mojito

Summertime is fresh fruit and berry time and today’s Mojito is made from one of my favorite berries – the raspberry. I tried it several ways, including using mint and raspberry infused simple syrup, but the following recipe makes such a tasty and refreshing cocktail that I had to choose this one to post!

*We love bringing you amazing rum recipes! Our recipes may contain affiliate links to products that we use. If you click the link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support in helping us to continue providing rumlicious, tropical recipes!

Raspberry Mojito

Fresh and tasty, made with raspberries!
Course: Drinks
Servings: 1



  • Muddle the sugar and raspberries until pureed. Add mint leaves and gently muddle until the flavor is released. 
  • Add the lime, rum and ice and then fill to the top with club soda. Gently stir.
  • Garnish with lime wheels, mint and a couple of raspberries.

Copyright©Rum Therapy
Pictures and other content may not be re-used without written consent from Rum Therapy, LLC

Gosling’s Dark ‘N Stormy

Because today (June 1st) is the official start to the hurricane season, we thought a Goslings Dark ‘N Stormy might be an appropriate drink for the day. A popular rum drink, the Dark ‘N Stormy is light and refreshing and very easy to make – a favorite summer drink around here.

*We love bringing you amazing rum recipes! Our recipes may contain affiliate links to products that we use. If you click the link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support in helping us to continue providing rumlicious, tropical recipes!

Dark 'N Stormy

Servings: 1
Author: Goslings Rum


  • 1 - 1/2 oz Gosling's Black Seal Rum
  • 4 - 5 oz Gosling's Stormy Ginger Beer
  • Garnish with a Lime Slice


  • In a tall glass filled with ice, add 4-5 oz ginger beer and top with the rum.
  • Garnish with a lime slice.

Find more rum recipes here:

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Pictures and other content may not be re-used without written consent from Rum Therapy, LLC

Dirty Mojito

Dirty up your mojito by using a gold rum instead of a white and changing the simple syrup or white sugar to raw sugar or demerara sugar. Tonight we’re gettin’ dirty and making mojitos that look a little darker and taste just a little rummier. Mmmm… love Mojito Monday’s!

*We love bringing you amazing rum recipes! Our recipes may contain affiliate links to products that we use. If you click the link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support in helping us to continue providing rumlicious, tropical recipes!

Dirty Mojito

Dirty up your mojito by using a gold rum instead of a white and changing the simple syrup or white sugar to raw sugar or demerara sugar.
Course: Drinks
Servings: 1
Author: Rum Therapy



  • Muddle lime, sugar, mint in the bottom of a tall glass.
  • Add the rum and then top it with crushed ice.
  • Fill the remainder of the glass with club soda, stir gently and garish with lime and mint.

Copyright©Rum Therapy
Pictures and other content may not be re-used without written consent from Rum Therapy, LLC

Sammy’s Maui Rocker

Just two ounces of commitment, Now shake it up and pour it tall
One sip and you’ll surrender, One taste and you will fall
Sammy Hagar’s “One Sip”

We recently received a bottle of Sammy’s  Beach Bar Rum. Sammy’s rum is smooth enough to drink with just a cube of ice, but we thought we’d give it a try in one of the delectable recipes on his website.

We were really drawn to the recipe for Sammy’s Original Maui Mai Tai, but looked everywhere to no avail for Lychee Juice – although now we’re even more determined to find it and give the recipe a try! Sammy’s Maui Rocker looked equally as appealing, so we mixed up a batch. Don’t tell Sammy, but we changed the amount of rum from 1.5 oz to 2 oz (although we imagine that the Red Rocker probably mixes them a little stronger himself – ie, 2 oz of commitment???) Refreshing and fruity, this could become a regular. Mahalo Sammy for your rum and these tasty recipes!

*We love bringing you amazing rum recipes! Our recipes may contain affiliate links to products that we use. If you click the link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support in helping us to continue providing rumlicious, tropical recipes!

Sammy's Maui Rocker

Servings: 1


  • 1-1/2 oz Sammy's Beach Bar Rum (we bumped it up to 2 oz.)
  • 1-1/2 oz Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz Fresh Sour (recipe below)
  • 1/2 oz Orange Curacao
  • 1/4 oz Grenadine
  • Pineapple Chunk and/or Orange Slice for Garnish


  • Mix in tall glass with ice, then strain into a hurricane glass with ice. Garnish with fresh pineapple and orange.


Make the Fresh Sour by combining:
1/2 c. fresh lemon juice, 1/2 c. fresh lime juice and 1/2 c. simple syrup.
Stir, cover and keep in the refrigerator

Copyright©Rum Therapy
Pictures and other content may not be re-used without written consent from Rum Therapy, LLC

Cool Signs

As you know, we’re always interested in hearing about people who have been able to make their tropical obsession their profession. We recently heard about the owner of a shop on St. Thomas that manufactures signs and thought that her story was intriguing. Meet Jill Farley, the owner of Cool Signs. Oh, and did I mention, she met Kenny Chesney while doing some boat graphics for him??

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m actually a civil engineer and was working for the Port of Houston in 2000.  I came down here on vacation with a girlfriend and just decided that I didn’t need to be miserable anymore where I was.  I NEVER planned on staying here –figured a few months would be enough.  Now it’s 12 years later. . .

2. Has it been an easy transition to the islands?  For me, not bad.  I do understand how it would be difficult for most people, however.  I was also lucky enough to meet my wonderful husband down here and he brings a good balance into my life.

3. What do you enjoy the most about your life in the islands?  Sunshine / beach.  After that would be Carnival – I just finished up my 6th year in the Infernos Carnival Troupe and it’s just so much fun.  Parade day is like a day full of joy.

4. What made you decide to start your own business?  It was never my intent to start my own business.  I started working for a lady whose husband had a vinyl plotter and it all just kind of evolved.  It was like I found my niche – after years of not enjoying or being particularly good at my job (as an engineer) I was finally good at something! 

Cool Signs now has 12 full-time employees and is one of the largest sign shops on island.  5. Which famous bars and/or locations have you made signs for?  One of my favorites was going up to Necker Island to put graphics on wind surf boards for Richard Branson.  No, I didn’t actually get to meet him although I did do boat graphics for Kenny Chesney and Sterling Marlin and met both of them.. 

6. What are the challenges of living in the islands?  Living in the islands is a real challenge and hard to describe.  Here’s an example – you find yourself being guarded about making friends b/c it’s such a transitional place.  People come and go for the most part so you don’t really want to let yourself get too attached. 

7. What advice would you give to someone who would like to relocate to the islands?  That’s a tough one because I really don’t encourage people to move here for the most part.  I’ve just seen so many people come and go and know how difficult it is.  Just because it works for me doesn’t mean it works for most people.  I would advise people to practice patience & restraint.  To me, the fact that it’s hard here forces me to remember what’s important.  You just have to let the little things go!

8. Is there anything else we should know about you or your business?  This is my favorite question.  Living here and having this business has given me the opportunity to make people’s lives better and that’s amazingly rewarding.  I get to conduct my business with the highest integrity and standards.  No, I don’t make much money.  I rent an apartment and make car payments and struggle financially but I get to live MY way instead of having to follow a cookie cutter life.

Jill is currently working with photographer William Anthony Torrillo (Old Mango) to publish postcards from the VI’s made from some of his wonderful photos.

Old Mango Postcards will be available in packs of 6 soon on Jill’s website:


Twitter:  @coolsignsvi

Other posts on Making Your Tropical Obsession Your Profession:

4242 Miles to St. Lucia – The Boiled Frog Guesthouse – Danielle and Steve Unruh

Tears of a Mermaid – Elizabeth Ivy, Glass Jewelry

Searching for Pieces of Eight – Thomas Gidus

Okolemaluna Tiki Lounge, Kailua Kona, Hawaii – Brice Ginardi

Vessels of Freedom – Captain Darrel Hearne

Through the Eyes of a Tropical Soul – William Anthony Torrillo, Photographer

A Pirate Looks at 10 – Fletcher Morton, Trop Rock Musician

I’m Gonna Live My Life Like a Jimmy Buffet Song by Anthony Bjorklund (book review)

Railean Distillers – San Leon, Texas, Kelly Railean

Exploring Jost Van Dyke

We recently got an email from Facebook friend Angela asking “What is there to do on Jost Van Dyke besides barhopping?”.  Well, the bars on Jost Van Dyke are pretty stellar and you can read more about them on our post Barhopping on Jost Van  Dyke  or Barhopping on Jost Van Dyke Part 2 (after Irma), but, there’s a lot more to experience and explore on the Barefoot Island and here are a few suggestions from our visits there.

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1. Check out the Bubbly Pool –  on the East end of the island, pass Foxy’s Taboo and take the path to the Bubbly Pool. Dubbed “Nature’s Jacuzzi” the ocean spills over the rocks when the surf is rough and breaks into effervescent bubbles in the pool.

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2. Take a drive – or a hike high above the beaches. We rented a jeep in Great Harbour and then took a steep road to the top of the island close to East End Harbour.

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The road was paved for a short distance and then became a “not too bad” dirt road which continued to climb and twist through the hills with stunning overlooks of East End Harbour, Diamond Cay, Sandy Spit, Little Harbour, Great Harbour and Tortola. We hiked a bit around Roach Hill – the highest point in the island (1,054 ft) and then because the road was getting steeper and rockier, we turned around and headed back.

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3. Rent a dinghy for the day and explore Sandy Cay and Sandy Spit.

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Sandy Spit

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Sandy Cay

We rented a dinghy in Great Harbour and headed out for an island adventure. We went to Sandy Spit first, pulled the dinghy ashore and enjoyed an hour or so of….well just sitting in the sand and enjoying the beauty of this teeny little island. About 15 minutes (via dinghy) from Sandy Spit is another beautiful deserted island called Sandy Cay. Sandy Cay is bigger and has a hiking trail through middle that takes you from the calm side of the island to an overlook of the rougher side.

4. Treat yourself to some Caribbean Lobster. Caribbean Lobster is readily available in the BVI’s and an incredible treat. During our stay on Jost Van Dyke, we ordered Caribbean Lobster for dinner at Harris’ Place in Little Harbour. The service, setting and lobster were wonderful and we’ve heard that it’s equally as good at several other restaurants on island.

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5. Hammock Time. If you’re staying on Jost Van Dyke for a while, you should definitely spend some time swaying in the hammocks. You’ll find hammocks all over, including Ivan’s, Hendo’s, Soggy Dollar, Foxy’s and others on the beach in Great Harbour to name a few.. Pair hammock time with your favorite rum drink for some relaxing Rum Therapy…

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copyright Rum Therapy
6. Get in the water. Snorkel, wade and float – just get in that beautiful crystal clear, take your breath away blue, warm water. The water around Jost Van Dyke is excellent for snorkeling and has some of the nicest water around for just enjoying….look at that water – don’t you just want to dive right in?

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copyright Rum Therapy
7. Watch the sun set. We were on Jost for a little more than a week and every single night we were treated to a spectacular sunset – each one just a little different. Whether you’re on the beach, in a hammock or on the deck of your villa – watch the sun disappear behind clouds with unimaginable hues of orange and pink…
 copyright Rum Therapy

copyright Rum Therapy
8. And our favorite thing to do on Jost Van Dyke…….nothing!! Put your toes in the warm sand as the sun caresses your body, breathe in, breathe out, listen to the sound of the waves lapping the shore and feel that feeling that we don’t often feel in our busy lives – total relaxation….

JVD 14 (500)
And….just in case you see everything there is to see, get totally relaxed and still have time to see more – Jost Van Dyke is just a short ferry from Tortola, Virgin Gorda and St. John!

To see more posts on Jost Van Dyke and other islands, check out our Island Blog Directory

Copyright©Rum Therapy
Pictures and other content may not be re-used without written consent from Rum Therapy, LLC.  All information is correct to our knowledge at the time of writing, but be sure to verify current information before your visit.

4242 Miles to St. Lucia – The Boiled Frog Guesthouse

Danielle and Steve Unruh are the owners of the Boiled Frog Guesthouse in St. Lucia. Their story is an unusual and interesting one that takes them more than 4242 miles from Canada (I calculated from Vancouver – so no doubt it’s even more) to the tropical island of St. Lucia and we thought it would make a great post for our “Making Your Tropical Obsession Your Profession” Series. The Boiled Frog is currently #1 on Trip Advisor’s List of Castries BB’s & Inns.

We became FB friends with Danielle and Steve a couple of months ago when we saw a picture of a beautiful rum drink being served at the Boiled Frog Guesthouse. We’re planning a visit St. Lucia for the first time this fall and are hoping to meet them in person and to enjoy a rum drink on the deck with their amazing view. I’m sure you will enjoy Danielle and Steve’s story as much as we did.

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Well, we’re a family of five. Myself, my wife Danielle, and our three boys, Alex 17, Sasha 14, and Kieran (aka, The Podamus) 2. Together, we are from north eastern British Columbia, Canada, from the area around Dawson Creek, the start of the Alaska Highway.

Danielle and I were both employed in the oil and gas exploration industry. She was originally an environmental consultant and I started out in oil and gas production and later moved into Environment, Health and Safety. We met working on industry projects together. We were both doing very well financially, both earning six figures, plus benefits etc. etc. and both not enjoying what we were doing. In an industry starving for talented, experienced people, we had boundless career possibilities in front of us but no desire to get even deeper entrenched in something that was obviously not what we wanted to be doing.

We had traveled quite a bit to the Caribbean, to Jamaica and Mexico together and Danielle to many of the windward islands on her own and we LOVED everything about it. Every time we left we were asking ourselves why we kept going back to someplace so cold and to jobs so unfulfilling. We just decided to stop talking about it and to really explore if it would be possible to move permanently. We had no idea where or what we could or would do so we just started exploring and researching, looking at every possibility.
One day, while Danielle was in Calgary at a management training session for Shell, I was working my way through a book that I had bought for Christmas for my staff, called “5”. It was a book I picked up at Starbucks, and it’s intent was to challenge you with the very simple question, what are you going to do with the next five years of your life. (
It’s a fun book, I highly recommend it. Anyway, as I said, I was working through it and one of the things it asked you to do was to draw a picture of the house you wanted to live in. So I drew a picture of a house, with pillars on the front, beside the ocean, on a little peninsula, with a couple of palm trees in the front yard. Meanwhile, down in Calgary, Danielle was being asked by the facilitator of her training session to do a similar exercise, so Danielle drew a picture of a two story house, with pillars, on a little point, on the ocean, with palm trees in the yard, but she added two little plastic lounge chairs to her drawing. The funny thing is, she and I had never actually discussed anything about this. Danielle took a picture of her drawing and emailed it to me, just to show me what they had been working on and when she got home later in the week I showed her what I had drawn. It was one of those twilight zone moments. But it gets better.
A couple of weeks later I was getting frustrated with my Caribbean business searching. I wasn’t finding anything on the western side around Mexico or Belize so I thought I’d broaden my search out to the rest of the Caribbean and I started a real estate search in the windward islands and a website for St. Lucia popped up. I started scrolling through the businesses for sale and on the third or fourth click a guesthouse for sale flashed onto the screen, and the picture that came up was identical to the pictures that Danielle and I had drawn, right down to the two plastic lawn chairs. I immediately emailed the link to Danielle and we decided that day that we had to go and check this place out.
Well I’m going to fast forward a little. We did come and visit the place. We loved it. The owners were great and we even came back a second time with the kids to see how they felt about it. They were skeptical but willing to give it a try. However, to make a long story short, we didn’t end up buying that place. Now you might think that it would make a better story if we had because it was a perfect fit for the image we had of the place we wanted to live, so I can assure you that the place we did end up moving into actually looks the same too! Only it’s bigger! It has pillars and palm trees and sits right on the ocean on a little point called Choc Bay and that’s where we set up The Boiled Frog Guesthouse.How we ended up here instead of there is a story in itself and in the end, turned out to be a very fortuitous turn of events for us. We had driven by this place several times during our stays on the island and every time we did we would look and say wow, wouldn’t that be a great place for a guesthouse. We even went so far as to make inquiries about whether it was available for sale or rent but we were never able to get much help from the realtor. When we got back to Canada we called up another realtor that we had taken a realty tour with the second time we were down and asked her if she knew anything about this place. She said that as a matter of fact, she knew the owner personally and she would make inquiries for us. Turns out she was renting her office space from the same guy who owned this house and she convinced him to let us rent the place. So in a matter of weeks she had the lease set up and let us know that if we were still interested, the place was ours. Soooo we decided that night to make the leap and we signed the lease. From that point on we had to sell two houses, two vehicles, a boat, and somehow manage to sell or give away pretty much everything else. We managed pull it off. We sold the house we were living in for about 30% above market value (which was good cuz we knew we needed the money if we were going to survive long enough to figure out how to generate revenue here), we sold the other house for market value, we sold two vehicles and pretty much gave away everything else and what we couldn’t give away we threw away and moved down here with 16 suitcases, two teenagers and a baby.
We had no idea if we were going to be able to set up the guesthouse business. We knew we had six months to get something going. Six months to figure out what was required to stay longer than six months. Six months to develop and launch a business of some sort that would generate enough revenue within a year, to allow us to stay here full time.
In the end we ended up doing a number of different things! It turned out that the gentleman who owns the house is a very successful businessman on the island and he has been instrumental in helping us navigate our way around. By accident Danielle picked up some regular work for one of his many companies, doing sales and marketing (something she had done a little of back in Canada). Together we do quite a bit of on-line health and safety consulting for companies we were involved with back in Canada as well. By accident as well, I do some maintenance on gym equipment at one of the local gyms and I also do a little personal training on the side and on top of all that we run The Boiled Frog Guesthouse which, in the space of less than a year, went from being non-existent to the number one rated guesthouse on Trip Advisor, in the Castries area, and the number two rated guesthouse on Trip Advisor on the whole island. We only have three rooms to rent out, so it’s not enough to make a full living off of but it helps pay the bills and it lets us stay living in this beautiful home, in this beautiful setting on this beautiful island.
SO! that’s the readers digest version of our story (sorry if it was too long!) Now I’ll try and answer the rest of the questions.
2. How did you decide upon St. Lucia? Tell us what is great about St. Lucia.
We decided on St. Lucia for a couple of reasons. It has a friendly outlook on foreign ownership of property at the moment, so if we decided to buy here, it would be relatively easy to do so.
Being a former British colony, it actually has governmental systems that at least feel familiar to us as Canadians. In addition it’s official language is English and pretty much everyone speaks English at some level although the Patois is not easy to understand. Really a different language.
Having two teen age boys, schooling was a big question mark. We were prepared to home-school them as this is a fairly common practice in Canada and the home schooling systems are well developed but in the first year here we found an excellent international school and we enrolled the boys there. It was a very good year for them and they made a lot of social contacts which was also important to us.
Aside from the weather, which is amazing, and the beauty of the place, which is breathtaking, the best thing about St. Lucia has been the people. They have really made us feel welcome and are incredibly friendly. Living some place like this is so different from visiting it at a resort and it has been unquestionably the best experience of our lives to immerse ourselves in a community that is so foreign to what we have always known. The world is both a bigger and smaller place to us and our children because of it.
3. Has it been an easy transition to the islands?
To be honest, I don’t think this is for everybody, but for us it has really been a very easy transition. That’s not to say that it hasn’t been without it’s challenges but we have looked at it from day one as an adventure that we were going to embrace fully and as a result, despite some bumps, it just hasn’t been that difficult.
As an example, we had been here a month when hurricane Tomas hit. I was back in Canada, finishing up my work commitments and was actually en-route back when I got the news that the hurricane had hit the island. I was stranded in Toronto for 4 days while my wife and children rode out a hurricane. Something none of us had ever been through. Once it was all done, Tomas turned out to be the most destructive hurricane in St. Lucia’s history and for the next 6 to 8 months it felt like a real struggle for the local population. We had a few weeks of rationed water but eventually things came back around and now it feels like things are pretty much back to normal.
It has also been a very interesting experience just to live on an island. Canada is the largest independent land mass on the planet and you get very used to big spaces of land and always having everything you could possibly want or need twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. That is just not the case on an island. I remember going into a grocery story, fairly modern by North American standards, and finding that they had no milk. Went to the next grocery store up the road, and they had no milk either. Turned out that no one had milk anymore. That has never happened to me in Canada. I’ve never seen a grocery store without something as basic as milk, but you learn that on an island, sometimes they run out of things and then you just have to wait until the next ship comes in before you get more! Things like that happen frequently but these are things you learn to plan for and you just adjust. If having to switch to UHT milk for a couple of weeks is your biggest hardship…you’re not doing too badly.
4. What do you enjoy the most about your life in the islands?
Oh there are just so many things that I enjoy ‘MOST”! I love NOT having a 9 to 5 job! I love having so much time with my children, priceless! I love love love love love the weather!!!
I was born and raised in a place where 24 deg C is hot whereas here 24 deg C is a cool day. I love living right beside the ocean! I love living on a beach. I love working for myself. I love building something that has been received so well by the people who have stayed with us. I love meeting people from all over the world and having them share in the beauty of this place and sharing themselves with us. It’s been an amazing experience. I love the pace, I love the warmth of the people, I love the cheap and oh soooo good rum!! I love it all.
5. What made you decide to start your own business? Tell us about your business.
Well, a big part of moving here was the desire to find some sort of revenue generating business that would allow me the time to write. I’ve always wanted to write for a living (novels) but there just isn’t the time to do that when you have a full time job. So we needed to find something that would create that kind of income. When we came down and visited the first business we looked at, we saw that they had that kind of lifestyle and so we knew then that it could work.
Originally and hopefully somewhere down the road, we wanted to own a beach bar. The name “the Boiled Frog” actually came from the fact that we thought it would make a great name for a bar. The concept of the boiled frog was something we had heard from a speaker at a health and safety conference in Canada. She had described the idea that if you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out, but if you put it in room temperature water and then slowly over a long period of time, turn up the heat it will eventually boil because it won’t jump out. She equated this to the kind of pressure that middle managers were under and how companies were asking more and more of middle management, turning up the heat so to speak, and this was eventually burning them out. We knew what that felt like, as it was particularly prevalent in under resourced health and safety departments throughout our industry. We wanted to get out of the water ourselves, and we wanted to create a place where others could do the same. The beach bar seemed like the perfect vehicle to do that. We just took the same concept and applied it to the guesthouse and it has taken off. The feedback from guests has been overwhelmingly positive, so we think we’ve hit on something that strikes a chord with people. We’ve had guests tell us that they chose to stay with us, just because of the name. They wanted to see what that was all about.
6. What are the challenges of living in the islands?
Well I’ve touched on some of the physical ones like running out of staples at the grocery store and there are lots of those kinds of things that can be interesting to manage. We get a lot of stuff brought down to us by guests and family. Things we can’t get here. A lot of people will do excursion shopping to places like Miami because the prices are better and there are things there you just can’t find here, but those are really pretty small inconveniences. Not that challenging. In truth the biggest challenges have been related to navigating the governmental requirements for work permits and visa’s that sort of thing. There are professionals, lawyers etc., who can help and for anyone seriously considering doing something like this it would likely be a good idea to contact someone like that. It’s difficult though because it’s hard to know who is reputable and skilled at that sort of work when you don’t already live here.
We got very lucky in making the contacts we made when first got here and in having six months to sort things out. Ex-pats from other countries such as the US and Britain don’t have that much time. Having said that, we know of others who have made the transition as well so it can certainly be done but just know that it will be a lot of bureaucracy that will be very frustrating at times and it will likely cost more than you think it should.
7. What advice would you give to someone who would like to relocate to the islands?
Ha, got ahead of myself there. My advice would be a) do it! b) don’t get discouraged by the things that don’t make sense c) don’t be discouraged by what seem like insurmountable walls, there’s always a way through or around if you want it badly enough, d) do your research, the more you know the more prepared you will be to ask good questions.
8. Is there anything else we should know about you or your business or your life in the islands?
hahahaha…ummm I feel like I’ve bored you enough so I’ll stop now!
Here’s our website and a link to our FB page and our page on Air BnB and on Trip Advisor. Thanks for this opportunity!

Other posts on Making Your Tropical Obsession Your Profession:

Tears of a Mermaid – Elizabeth Ivy, Glass Jewelry

Searching for Pieces of Eight – Thomas Gidus

Okolemaluna Tiki Lounge, Kailua Kona, Hawaii – Brice Ginardi

Vessels of Freedom – Captain Darrel Hearne

Through the Eyes of a Tropical Soul – William Anthony Torrillo, Photographer

A Pirate Looks at 10 – Fletcher Morton, Trop Rock Musician

I’m Gonna Live My Life Like a Jimmy Buffet Song by Anthony Bjorklund (book review)

Railean Distillers – San Leon, Texas, Kelly Railean

Zesty Orange Mojito

We’re always on the look out for tasty new mojito recipes and ran across this one recently. The orange mixes very nicely with the lime and mint. A delicious taste of tropical citrus goodness –  good even in the winter when oranges are in high season. Almost like a little sunshine in your glass!

*We love bringing you amazing rum recipes! Our recipes may contain affiliate links to products that we use. If you click the link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support in helping us to continue providing rumlicious, tropical recipes!

Zesty Orange Mojito

A delicious taste of tropical citrus goodness, especially good in the winter when oranges are in high season.
Course: Drinks
Servings: 1


  • 1/2 Orange
  • 1/2 Lime
  • 2 tsp. Sugar
  • 8 leaves Fresh Mint
  • 2 1/2 oz. White Rum
  • 1 C. Crushed Ice


  • Slice the oranges and limes.
  • Place the oranges, limes, sugar, and mint in a tall glass.
  • Muddle the leaves, orange wedges and lime wedges until juicy and fragrant.
  • Add rum and ice. Shake vigorously, strain over ice in a smaller glass. 
  • Garnish with mint and a slice of orange. Enjoy!!

Copyright©Rum Therapy
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Frozen Berry Mojito

Nothing can beat the taste of a well made Classic Mojito, but during our recent trip to St. Maarten, we enjoyed a Wild Berry Mojito at Mary’s Boon that was totally different and really, really good! Turns out the bartender at Mary’s Boon won an award for the beverage but wouldn’t divulge the complete recipe. It was berrylicious and we could certainly taste a bit of lime and mint, but it was frozen – more like a daiquiri. When we returned home, we thought we would try to capture the flavors present in that scrumptious Wild Berry Mojito.

We tweaked some ingredients to our liking and ended up with the following recipe, and although not quite as amazing as the one we had in St. Maarten, it’s pretty tasty! Perhaps the incredible view of Simpson Bay at Mary’s Boon had something to do with it?

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Frozen Berry Mojito

Servings: 1


  • 1 c Fresh Berries of Choice (we used blueberries and blackberries for this batch)
  • 1/2 Lime (juiced)
  • 1 tbsp Mint Infused Simple Syrup (see recipe below)
  • 2 oz White Rum
  • 1 c Ice (if using frozen berries, you can either omit the ice or use less than a cup)
  • Sprig of Mint


  • Combine all ingredients in a blender with the ice.
  • Blend until smooth and garnish with a sprig of mint.


Mint Infused Simple Syrup
Mix 1/2 cup water with 1/2 cup sugar in a saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves. Then let it steep with a handful of mint leaves for an hour or so. Strain out the leaves and store in the fridge till you’re ready to use it.

Possible Variations
Change up the type of berries (strawberry, raspberry) to change the taste
Use frozen berries and slightly decrease the ice
Add more simple syrup if you like a sweeter drink or when using berries that are not as sweet

Recipe by Rum Therapy

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