Vessels of Freedom

Boats, vessels of freedom, harbors of healing… lyrics by Kenny Chesney

About a year and a half ago, we sailed on a crewed charter in the BVI’s. It was our second sail in the BVI’s, but by far the best. One of the things that made this such an incredible trip was the captain of our Lagoon 440 – the Red Stiletto. We were a bit of a rowdy crowd of 6 – we thought, but he had us sized up after our initial introduction and really tailored the trip to match our personalities and interests. By the end of the trip we felt that we’d won the captain lottery…


Darrel Hearne was his name and we could tell immediately by his wonderful accent that he hailed from somewhere other than where we were. As the week went on, we learned a little about his story and how he had made his way to the BVI’s. We recently contacted him to ask if we could interview him for our “Making Your Tropical Obsession Your Profession” series, and this is what we found out.

Give us a little background on what you did pre-BVI’s.
Well, I was in a very similar line of work before I came here – I was an accountant living 500 miles from the nearest ocean, so I guess it was sort of a natural progression for me.  Ok, maybe not.  I grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa, which lies in the center of the country and nowhere near an ocean.  My family were not boaters at all … in fact, up until the day that I quit my job and went to sailing school, I had never actually set foot on a sailboat in my life.  I did the usual thing … finished school, studied, had a proper job and wore the suit and tie of shame.  I did the daily commute to my office, where I lived behind a computer and did mundane things.  Thing is, I couldn’t see myself being an office lemming for the rest of my life.  It just wasn’t me.  I’m not really sure where the idea of moving to the Caribbean and becoming a sailor came from, but somehow it took root, and was something that I talked about for years.  One day, when I was 33, I realized that if I didn’t go then, then in a few years time making sweeping life changes like that would be so much harder, and it would be too late.  So I quit my job and went to sailing school, got on a plane and flew to the islands.  Easy as that.

What brought you to the BVI’s? How long have you been there?
It was a Boeing that brought me here.  747-700, I think.  Ah – you mean for what reason?  Well, I wanted to come to the Caribbean to develop a career as a sailor.  I actually didn’t do much research into the BVI’s before I came here – more like I closed my eyes and pointed randomly at a map of the Caribbean, and said ‘Hmmm – BVI’s.  That sounds interesting’.  Actually, I had heard that there were a lot of boats here, which was good enough for me.  I came over here to get a feel for it, and to finish my dive master course, and ended up never leaving.  It’s been six years now, and I do love it here.

What is your current position?
I have moved over to the dark side, and currently work on a power boat.  Yes, I know.  I sold out.  I spent five years on sailboats, but the career progression tends to be to bigger boats … which means, at some stage, power boats, especially if you’re a single guy – sailboats tend to employ crew couples.  Actually, she’s a beautiful boat, and I do enjoy her very much.  She’s a 74-foot Horizon called Viaggio, that runs term charters for a company called Virgin Traders (isn’t that a great name?) out of Nanny Cay.  It’s an interesting boat to run, because she’s big enough to have the big boat feel and systems, but small enough that we only run three crew, and I get to do all the mechanical maintenance and repairs, which is fun, and invaluable experience.  She’s also a very, very pretty boat, so that’s always good for meeting girls at bars.  ‘What do I do?  Well, I captain that boat over there…’ (points to the cool boat that everyone notices).  ‘Really?’, she says, her eyes widening with interest as she sidles closer ‘Tell me more…’.  Ah, it is an interesting life I lead.

 photo: SailDiveBVI

What do you like better about what you do and where you live now?
You know, I try to explain my life to old friends from back home, but it’s just too much of a gap to be able to put into words.  The whole lifestyle here is just so different.  I grew up in a very conservative community, and I’ve found that I’ve needed to re-evaluate all of my pre-conceived ideas and values, living here.  It really is an alternative reality.  Don’t get me wrong – at the end of the day, my job is just a job, and people here are just people.  I think the thing I like most here is that I’ve been exposed to so much.  I meet so many people from so many different walks of life… get to live their lives a week at a time.  I’ve done charters with porn stars and swingers and captains of industry and even a US assistant attorney-general.  It really opens your eyes and shows you how vast and varied this world is, and how little we actually know.  Well, that, and it’s perfectly acceptable to go to a bar and drink a beer or two at ten in the morning.  And of course there’s all those girls in bikinis.  I remember feeling, back when I used to live behind my computer in my little office, that I was the only crazy one amongst all the sane responsible people.  Coming here, to me, has felt like I’ve finally come home.

What other interests do you have?
Hmm.  Interests.  Let’s see now … there must be something … hmm.  I will say that diversity in social activities and options on island is sadly lacking.  It’s a small island, and the culture is very much a hanging-out-in-bars culture.  You’re bound to meet the same people in the same bars, night after night.  Add that to the fact that as a charter captain, you’re off island for half of your time, and have to put your social life on hold for that time, and it tends to constrict your recreational options.  I do some photography, which I enjoy, and I absolutely love kiteboarding, so when the wind is blowing and I’m not working, that’s usually what I’m doing.  Oh, and playing with my daughter, of course.  She’s two, and a little hooligan sunbeam.  So that’s fun. She’s my happy place.

What advice do you have for someone that really wants to make a change in their profession and/or location?
I remember when I was leaving my company back in South Africa, people would hear about what I was doing and where I was going, and tell me how brave they thought I was.  and I always thought ‘Wow – really?  I’m going sailing in the Caribbean – you’re the one who’s going to be stuck behind that desk for the next twenty years.  Who’s the brave one?’.  I would say, if you really want to do it, then just do it.  Be warned, though – it’s not always the idyllic dream that everyone thinks it is.  I mean, it’s beautiful down here, and I have a great job and get to sail the islands for a living.  At the end of the day, though, it’s just a job.  And there are aspects of it that you are not going to like.  Once you get past the scenery, real life down here is much the same as real life elsewhere.  I would say come and try it out and spend some time here first.  Chat to some of the people who have been here a long time.  There’s a reason that a lot of people come here for two or three years and then leave – it’s not for everyone.  There is a trade-off – what you gain in beaches and vistas, you lose in things like being able to actually have shops to buy nice things, or being able to get a Big Mac, or any of the other accoutrement’s of civilization.  I always tell people that they need to drink a beer, relax, and lower their expectations when they come here.  It’s the islands.  Things work differently here.  Not everyone can adjust to that.  If you can, though, then it absolutely is worth it.  If you plan to work on boats, get your qualification levels up to par, and try to add in some extras … a professional diving qualification is very useful, and there is a trend these days towards eco-tourism, so some skills and knowledge in that side of the business can be helpful.  Above all, pack light, and bring a spare liver.  You’re going to need it.  Sailing (ok, pushing the throttle forward) is only 5% of the job.  The real job is socialising and entertaining, which means taking people to lots of bars.  It’s a tough job, but I do it to the best of my ability.

Who were your favorite guests of all time – oh, never mind, we know the answer to that one :)
Ha.  Well now.  I have had a lot of fun charters.  And I do have a lot of stories to tell.  It’s funny – it’s the fun charters that are the hard ones.  The ones with the people who want to relax, and don’t really want to socialise are easy.  Tuck them into bed at 9:30 after a nice glass of warm milk.  It’s the ones where you get on with them like a house on fire and you stay up drinking with them and partying and being silly till three every night and then have to be up again at 7:30 the next morning to move the boat that kill you.  Still.  I shall tell you what I tell all my guests:  yes, of course you were my favourite charter of all time.

Anything else we should know?
Well, let’s see:  did you know that ‘Woman Hitler’ is an anagram for ‘mother-in-law’?  Makes you think, doesn’t it?  Other than that, not much to tell, really.  I will mention a fact that is well-known in the industry but little-known outside of it: working on boats is very tough on relationships.  Many many crew couples come here together and then split up – it’s being in close quarters 24/7, and never being alone that does it.  If you’re thinking about this kind of life as a couple, sit down and talk carefully about it.  Set some rules.  It’s very easy to lose sight of your focus down here.  It’s possible to get it right, and many couples do, and have been working in the industry for years.  You just need to be aware of the dangers.  That’s about it.  See you in the big blue yonder.

photo: SailDiveBVI

So there you have it; a very honest and candid look at living and working in the islands. If you are interested in a crewed powerboat charter, we’d highly recommend a week with Captain Darrel. Contact Virgin Traders to check on the availability of the Viaggio. You’ll feel as if you’d won the captain lottery too – oh, and don’t forget to bring that spare liver – you’ll need it!

Find other posts in the Making Your Tropical Obsession Your Profession Series

A Pirate Looks at 10

The other day, I had a post on our blog entitled “BEACH Playlist”. I had some great comments from readers on favorite songs and artists and even got a few new ones to look up – and I LOVE finding new tunes to add to my collection.

One comment in particular piqued my interest and it came from Rum Therapy Facebook friend Liz Morton. Her comment – “My favorite beach music is my 10 year old son Fletcher, his Little Martin guitar, and all of the Buffett, Eagles, Scott Kirby, and Bob Marley tunes in his repertoire!” Liz attached a link to a You Tube video and I thought what the heck – half expecting to just see a young kiddo strumming (without playing the chords) and singing a few words of a Jimmy song.

A few seconds into the video, I realized Fletcher was not just a cute kid making a fun video for mom, but a talented young man.
Not that I’m an expert, but I actually did teach private music lessons for, well, let’s just say – a lot of years and am impressed with not only his guitar skills, but his musicality. I mean, this young man FEELS the music and genuinely looks as if he loves what he’s doing! And – at 10, he’s not only playing and singing songs from Jimmy Buffet, the Eagles, Elton John and more, he’s already getting booked for gigs! I asked if I could interview Fletcher about his music career so far and here is what I learned:

1. When did you first become interested in music?
I have always loved music!  I started playing guitar when I was 7 years old.  The first concert I attended was Bruce Hornsby when I was 2 years old.  I went to an Eagles concert last year and saw Jimmy Buffett for the first time in West Palm Beach on 4-23-11.

2. Tell me a little about your musical background.
I have an ear for music.  I hear something and pick it on the guitar!  My mom plays the mandolin and my dad plays brass instruments. I have taken lessons from David Keith and Jim Liberato but right now I am learning by myself.  I also play the keyboard a little bit.

3. What other musicians do you listen to and admire?
Jimmy Buffett, The Eagles, Elton John, Ella Fitzgerald, John Hiatt, Styx, The Who, The Beatles, Eric Clapton, B.B King, Zac Brown, Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, Bob Marley, and Sam Cooke.

4. Do you have other hobbies or what else do you like to do?
My hobbies are acting, singing, dancing, learning to fly airplanes, and learning all about space.

5. What grade are you in?
I am in 5th grade.

6. What kind of guitar do you play?
I play a Little Martin LX1E that my Grandpa bought for me.  I also have a full size 1960’s Sears Silvertone electric guitar from my Uncle Allan but I’ll have to grow into that one.

7. Do you have a favorite type (genre) of music, ie: rock, country, jazz.etc?
I like all genres except rap and whiny girl music.

8. Do you do a lot of gigs or performances? What’s your favorite song to play?
I’ve played at Vintage Guitar Closet, Wahoo’s, The Key Lime Cafe, Finz, and the Lyric Theatre here in Stuart, FL.  I also got to open for Scott Kirby in Klamath Falls, Oregon last year.    My favorite song to play is You Belong To the City by Glenn Frey.

9. Do you write some of your own music?
I have written one original song called I Like Earth The Way It is.  It’s about an alien coming down to earth, bringing some humans back to his planet for his birthday, and then bringing them back to Earth.  My favorite part of the song is when I make spaceship noises at the end.

10. I’m sure some of the music you like to play may have lyrics that are a little innapropriate for your age. How do you handle that?
If there are bad words, I make up my own words for that part of the song.  For example, when I play LA Freeway by Guy Clark, I say “that crazy gremlin” instead of the bad words.

11. How does playing music make you feel?
Playing music makes me happy! My guitar is my heart, soul, and life.
12. What other artist would you most like to play with?
I would love to play with Jimmy Buffett one day.

13. What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
I want to be a ROCK STAR! I also want to be an airplane pilot and a super star on the stage and in movies, TV shows, and musicals.

14. How can people find out where you’re playing?
My mom and dad post my gigs on my facebook page . You can see videos of my performances there too.

15. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
My favorite part of performing is making people happy.  I like it when girls watch me play and think I’m cute!

So there you have it! Considering Jimmy didn’t even start to take this music thing serious until he was in college, Fletcher has gotten a pretty good start – and I’d love to see him up there strumming with Mr. Buffett someday!

So, listen and enjoy as this 10 year pirate sings and plays JB’s “A Pirate Looks at 40”.

BEACH Playlist

I have a playlist on my iPod entitled BEACH. There are 34 songs on BEACH. I know – that’s not a lot especially considering there are nearly 5,000 on the iPod itself. So what 34 songs are on my BEACH Playlist? Well, you’d probably be surprised – I mean coming from someone with a degree in music you might expect a lot of classical music or jazz or something respectable like that. There are no classical or jazz tunes on BEACH. Instead you’ll find songs such as “That’s Not My Name” by the Ting Tings and “I’m On a Boat” from Lonely Island.

O.K., so you probably won’t be surprised by Jimmy Buffet’s, “He Went to Paris” or Kenny Chesney’s “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems”, but what about “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith, Ben Harper’s “Steal My Kisses”, “Life is Beautiful” by Keb’ Mo’,  OR “Sangria Wine” by Jerry Jeff Walker?

Funny how music can remind us of certain times in our lives; like good times in high school, summertime, a first kiss, someone we cared about and lost or great vacations and good times with friends. As Kenny Chesney sings in another song from my BEACH playlist “I Go Back”:

Every time I hear that song
I go back, I go back

There are 847 songs on my VACATION playlist. These are the songs that are played while playing in the sand, the sun, and the sea with friends and family on relished vacations, but the BEACH playlist is reserved for one thing. Every song on the BEACH playlist takes me back to a vacation time that was special: sailing into White Bay for the first time singing “I’m On a Boat” at the top of our lungs, that last awesome cruise with my dad, playing Liar’s Dice at Rhythms at Rainbow Beach in St. Croix, singing a song with the band to win a shot at The Last Resort, pretending we were Johnny Depp finding the rum on Petit Tobac and an especially awesome evening with friends on a sailboat – drinking rum, laughing and watching the sun set over the beautiful Caribbean water.

The BEACH songs are the songs I listen to when I need a short escape. I turn the music on loudly, pour my favorite rum drink and then put my feet up,  close my eyes and smile as I remember each and every great memory. Ahhh…Life IS Beautiful.

What songs AND memories are on your BEACH playlist?

Check out the Ultimate Rum Therapy Beach Playlist here!

Cruzan Cucumber Crush

One of the things I like best about the Cruzan Rum Facebook page is that not only do they post some great rum recipes, their Facebook friends do too. So, I was delighted to see several new recipes by Cruzan Facebook friend John P. a few days ago. So far we’ve only tried “Cruzan Cucumber Crush”, but will certainly give “The Hip Replacement” a try when we gather all of the ingredients! With a name like that – how could we not!

Johns recipe for the Cruzan Cucumber Crush was as follows:

To make: Slice fresh cucumbers into 4 thin slices (3 for the drink and 1 for the garnish). Put the 3 slices of cucumber into blender, add 6 count of Cruzan Mango Rum, add coco lopez to consistency of a pina colada. Then blend till cucumbers are blended in equally. Pour into hurricane glass and garnish with the fourth cucumber slice on the rim of glass. To mix it up muddle to rum, cucumber, and coco lopez in rocks glass, shake, and serve on rocks with cucumber garnish.

Well, we had the ingredients, but being the incredibly remedial bartenders that we are, and not knowing what 6 count of Cruzan Mango Rum would equate to and exactly how much cream of coconut would be needed to make it the consistency of a Pina Colada, we set out to experiment.We had to make several batches before we ended up with a very refreshing and not too sweet concoction. Here is the version we ended up with:

Cruzan Cucumber Crush (makes 1)

1.5 oz. Cruzan Mango Rum
1.5 oz. Cruzan Aged Rum
1 oz. cream of coconut
4 cucumber slices

In a blender, add 3 cucumber slices (we left the peel on which gave it a nice light green color. Remove the peel for less green color!) the rum and the cream of coconut. Blend until cucumber is pulverized. Add ice and blend again. We continued to add ice until it was fairly thick in consistency. Pour into a glass and garnish with the remaining cucumber slice.

photo: Pamela Ott

The Cruzan Cucumber Crush has a very unique but refreshing taste. Both of us were unsure of it at first, but by the end of the glass we were making plans to mix up another! Thanks John P. for posting the recipe!

I’m Gonna Live My Life Like a Jimmy Buffet Song

A while back, I found a page on Facebook called the I’m Gonna Live My Life Like a Jimmy Buffet Song – Book Page. With a name like that I had to check it out.  From what I could detect, the page owner had witten a book about a guy named Jack Danielson who decided to chuck his successful, albeit mundane and unhappy life in Minnesota and make a huge change. The story chronicled his adventures as he discovered what his life was truly about. I was intrigued and ordered the book through Amazon.

The day I got the book in the mail I only had time to read the prologue but knew just from those few pages it was going to be an enjoyable read. When I finally got to sit down on the deck, grab a glass of rum  and do some serious reading, I had a hard time putting it down.

The author of the book, Anthony Bjorklund, has an easy, relatable and quite humorous style. At times it felt as if he were telling this story to a bunch of folks while hanging out in some bar in the Caribbean enjoying a few rum drinks. It reads a bit as if he were just sitting there chatting it up with you!

From the description of Ronald Strickland, the boss who made me miserable just reading about him, to Anthony’s colorful description of why tropical shirts are so popular in party places, Anthony’s characters and analogies drew me in. Never preachy and with many laugh out loud moments, it is thought provoking and makes you reflect on truly slowing down and savoring the many good things in life.

An added bonus at the end, Anthony has, as he titled it, “A Very Short and Unnofficial Guide to Key West”. This section includes some interesting information about Key West as well as a description of some of his favorite bars, eateries and things to do and see. This guide would have been quite useful during our first visit to Key West last year as unfortunately we missed several of  the attractions listed. Guess that’s a good enough reason to go back!

Whether you’re a Jimmy Buffet fan, love the tropical lifestyle, or would just like to read a light and funny book that makes you feel good, you’ll enjoy “I’m Gonna Live My Life Like a Jimmy Buffet Song”. Might even make you think about what song you want to live your life like!

The book is available from Amazon and is also available for Kindle. Click the link below for more information.

I’m Gonna Live My Life Like a Jimmy Buffett Song: A story Tribute to Jimmy Buffett and the Parrothead Lifestyle

Railean Distillers – San Leon, Texas

We are always interested in finding out more about individuals who, like us, have hung up their suits and ties and are “making their obsession their profession” – especially a company that makes rum! That’s why we were very interested in finding out more about Railean Distillers in San Leon, Texas, when we were informed of them by Rum Therapy FB friend Paradise Cocktails.

Now, we haven’t been lucky enough to sample Railean Rum as it’s not available in our state yet, but are confident we will in the near future (maybe a road trip to tour the facility in San Leon for research purposes only, of course!) and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna love it!

photos courtesy of Railean Distillers

I contacted Kelly Railean, the founder of Railean Distillers and asked if I could interview her about the Railean Distillery and this is what we learned.

1. How did you come to start your own rum company?  I spent over 10 years in the wine business; I sold wine for a large distributing company here in Texas.  I have a Level 1 Certification from the Court of Master Sommeliers.  My husband & I learned to sail in the late 1990’s and we purchased a Hunter 29.5 in 2000.  When we caught the sailing bug we started collecting and drinking rum & learning all about pirates and the island lifestyle.  One day while hanging out at The Buccaneer Bar in San Leon, Texas; we had this great idea to make our own rum.  It made perfect sense, my husband (Matt) is a Chemical Engineer, and I had the industry experience and a great palate for wine & spirits.

2. Tell us about Railean Rum and how it differs from other rums? My products are handcrafted; we ferment a high grade sugarcane molasses & blue agave nectar, distill, age and bottle everything at our distillery – by hand.  I am one of the few woman Master Distillers in the world – and yes, I really do distill and make all the rum & blue agave!  We are family owned & operated, we use the best possible ingredients in our products, and we do not add any colors, flavors or other additives to any of our products.  Our El Perico Blue Agave Spirit is the first and only Blue Agave Spirit to be made in Texas, our aged rums (Reserve XO and Small Cask Reserve) were the first aged spirits made in Texas, and our Railean Texas White rum is double distilled for the smoothest possible flavor.

3. What is your vision for the future of Railean Rum? An expansion of the distillery and increased distribution within the United States.  Our products are fantastic, and I believe Railean could someday be the number one premium & domestic made rum and blue agave in the United States.

4. Where is Railean Rum rum available? We are available in Texas, California and Arkansas.  We are distributed through Republic National Beverage in Texas, Western States Beverages in California, and Central Distributors in Arkansas.  Depending on individual state laws, folks may be able to purchase our products online from

5. Do you have rum factory tours? Tours & tastings are by appointment.  Tours are typically Monday – Saturday and usually between the hours of 9AM and 2PM.  During the hot summer months, tours are only offered in the AM since this is a working distillery and it is too hot in the afternoon to tour.

6. What else would you like us to know about Railean Rum? I make three different rums:  Railean Texas White (retail $17.99), Railean Reserve XO Dark (retail $18.99), Railean Small Cask Reserve Aged (retail $29.99).  I also just released the first & only 100% Blue Agave Spirit made in Texas for those of you who love your Tequila.  The El Perico Blue Agave Spirit retails for $29.99.  El Perico is Spanish for “the parakeet” which is the logo on all of the Railean labels.  The parakeet or Monk Parrot is our mascot; there are hundreds (possibly more) of the little green guys all around the distillery, along the gulf & our marinas, and even at our home!

7. We have in common a love for sailing and tropical islands. Do you have a favorite island or place to sail? I love to sail the British Virgin Islands and we have sailed there many times.  Most of my sailing though has been in Galveston Bay and around Galveston Island, TX.  I have also sailed the Bahamas, St. Martin, St. Barts, Jamaica, and Cozumel.  One of the most beautiful islands I have ever been to was Manihi, Tahiti; and that was the best scuba diving I have ever done in my life!

Kelly, thanks for the interview! Maybe we’ll run into you while sailing in the tropics sometime and share a little “Rum Therapy!” You bring the rum!

To find out more about Railean Distillers:

More Cruzan Strawberry Rum

Strawberry Daiquiri

6 cups ice
1/2 cup white sugar
4 ounces frozen strawberries
1/8 cup lime juice
1/2 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup Cruzan Strawberry Rum
1/4 cup lemon lime flavored carbonated beverage

Blend in blender.

The recipe made approximately 4 tall glasses of daiquiris and although pretty darn sweet and filling – they were yummy. John later thought that we should have added a floater of Cruzan Black Strap for a little extra punch.

Last, but not least, we put aside a Strawberry Rum Lemonade recipe that included simple syrup to try another “skinny” recipe. Hey – you gotta save calories somewhere!! This is what we came up with.

Skinny Strawberry Rum Lemonade

2 oz. Cruzan Strawberry Rum
4 oz. Crystal Light Lemonade
Sliced strawberries
4 to 6 blueberries

Mix Cruzan Strawberry Rum with the Crystal Light Lemonade. Stir in sliced strawberries and blueberries. Pour over ice.
The result was refreshing and light with a nice blend of strawberry and lemon. And who knows, with all that fruit, it might even be good for you!

Cruzan Strawberry Rum

Cruzan Rum recently announced the launch of their newest spirit, Cruzan Strawberry. It’s the 11th spirit in their family of flavored rums, and the recipe is crafted with a touch of ginger to give a unique spin to the strawberry taste. Here are some other details:

Tasting Notes and Aroma:
•       Taste – Ripe, wild strawberry coupled with subtle ginger root
•       Aroma – Fresh and juicy strawberry
•       Finish – Smooth with a light spiced ginger finish

After reading this press release from the folks at Cruzan Rum, we’d been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new Strawberry Rum. We’re recent fans of Cruzan Rums since our Cruzan Rum Factory Tour in St. Croix in February, and have enjoyed using the Cruzan flavored rums in many boat and beach drinks such as the Cruzan Confusion! Last week, we were lucky enough to find a bottle of the newly released Cruzan Strawberry Rum after visiting nearly every liquor store in our area. 

After scoring the desired bottle, we asked our Facebook friends for recipe suggestions. In addition to some excellent suggestions from our readers, Cruzan Rum Representative, Justine, also kindly volunteered a few recipe ideas. We asked a couple of friends if they would assist us in some Strawberry Rum recipe testing this weekend, and with minimal (no) arm twisting, they obliged!

We picked two recipes to start with and began to assemble the necessary ingredients.

First on the agenda was a Strawberry Mojito using the recipe from Cruzan Rum. The recipe called for Cruzan Strawberry Rum, sugar, mint leaves, juice of half a lime, and club soda. We muddled the sugar, mint, lime juice and a splash of club soda.

 We then added the rum (note the exceptional choice of shot glass!),

Then poured it over ice in a tall glass and garnished with lime and strawberry.

After a little sampling and tweaking, this is the version of the recipe that we liked best.

Strawberry Mojito
(makes two)

3 to 3.5 oz. Cruzan Strawberry Rum
2 tsp. sugar
4 mint leaves
Juice of half a lime
6 oz. plus a splash of club soda

Muddle the mint leaves, sugar, lime juice and a splash of club soda. Add the remaining club soda and stir. Pour into a tall glass over ice. Garnish with a slice of lime and a strawberry.

It seems easy to overpower the taste of the strawberry with too much mint, so we initially tried 8 leaves then reduced the amount to 4 leaves per serving. The overwhelming consensus of all 4 taste testers was that the Cruzan Strawberry Mojito was crisp, light and very refreshing – an excellent summer beverage!

To make a Skinny Strawberry Mojito: Substitute 1/2 – 1 packet (.5 – 1 gram) Stevia for the sugar and/or Sprite Zero for the club soda. Tweak the amounts until the taste is just as you like it!

Stay tuned – more Cruzan Strawberry Rum Recipes (Part 2) in tommorow’s post!

photos: Pamela Ott

Sandy Point, St. Croix

We are always on the hunt for the best beaches on each island. Therefore, it came as no surprise that we ended up on Sandy Point Beach, part of the Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge in St. Croix.

Sandy Point Beach is a three mile long beautiful powdery soft sand beach at the southwest end of St. Croix, just south of Fredriksted. It’s the largest beach in the USVI, but probably one of the least crowded. Sandy Point was the beach featured in the movie “Shawshank Redemption” when Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins reunited on the beach, supposedly in “Zihuatanejo”. Well, that’s one of our favorite flicks, so that little tidbit made us even more interested in checking it out. And, of course, we rented the movie again when we got home to see how Sandy Point looked in the film. Beautiful, of course.

copyright Rum Therapy
From the main road, it is a bit of a drive into the beach, but it appeared they were improving the road when we visited and it wasn’t as bumpy as we had read. There are a few small parking areas and then a short hike to the beach. Immediately you are stunned by the beauty of this area.

copyright Rum Therapy
Endangered green sea and leatherback turtles that lay their eggs on the Sandy Point Beach are protected by the National Wildlife Refuge. The park is only open on weekends from 10:00am – 4:00pm and is closed completely to the general public during laying and hatching season from April to August. I read that a visit might be arranged during hatching season by contacting the Wildlife Refuge ahead of time.

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The beach doesn’t offer any shade or concessions and is not the best in St. Croix for snorkeling because the bottom is too sandy (what a problem!), but is a must see if you appreciate turquoise blue Caribbean water, soft powdery sand, fantastic photo opportunities and very few people. There were quite a few brown pelicans dive bombing for fish and we spent several hours watching them, walking the beach and floating in the crystal blue water.

The water is shallow at the shore, but seemed to drop off fairly quickly, at least in the area we swam, but the surf was not rough and we enjoyed spending time in the water. The sand was very soft in the areas close to the water and just a little more coarse the farther you got from shore.

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If you’re lucky enough to be in St. Croix when Sandy Beach is open, I’d highly recommend a visit. Bring a cooler, a beach towel, plenty of sunscreen and an extra memory card for your camera. You’ll need it.

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Pictures and other content may not be re-used without written consent from Rum Therapy, LLC.
All information is correct to our knowledge at the time of writing, but be sure to verify current information before your visit.

The Rum Conundrum

rum conundrum [ruhm kəˈnəndrəm] – noun

1. A confusing and difficult problem or question regarding rum such as “It’s only Saturday – why is the rum gone?” 

photo: Pamela Ott