With our vacation just around the corner (during flu season), and now the threat of the 2019 novel coronavirus, we started doing a little research to get some tips for staying healthy while traveling. We specifically wanted info on airline travel, but the tips we found are really good guidelines for staying healthy everyday – and everywhere!

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Wash your hands
The first tip is commonsense (and something most of our mother’s have been telling us forever…), but WASH YOUR HANDS. This one is probably the most important tip of all. There are millions of germs on surfaces that we touch and proper handwashing can remove many of them and should be your first line of defense from…uck, those nasty bugs. Check out this article from the CDC on handwashing, the science behind it, how to properly wash your hands and when and how to use hand sanitizer.
avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Even with proper handwashing, we can transmit viruses and bacteria that still lurk on our hands to our body by touching or rubbing our eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid touching these areas as much as possible during travel – and flu season!
avoid close contact with anyone displaying symptoms of illness
This can be especially hard while traveling (think airline seating arrangements), but keep your distance from anyone who is coughing, has a runny nose or doesn’t look like they’re feeling well.
Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing
Did you know that germs from a sneeze can travel 6-8 feet? If at all possible, be sure to cover your mouth with at least a tissue when coughing or sneezing. If you’re caught without a tissue, bandanna or handkerchief, use the crook of your elbow.
Strengthen your immune system
We’ve always heard that the flu and other illnesses are hardest on those with compromised immune systems. What are a few ways you can support your immune system?
- Try eating more of these foods that boost the immune system:
Citrus, bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach, yogurt, almonds, turmeric, green tea, papaya, kiwi, poultry, sunflower seeds, - Consider adding more of these vitamins to your diet either through foods or supplements: Vitamin C, Vitamin D
- Get sufficient sleep.
- Eliminate stress.
- Drink more water.
- Get enough exercise – especially out in the sunshine.

check current travel restrictions and advisories
For health related travel restrictions, check with your airline to make sure there are no restrictions to the area you will be traveling. For travel advisories, you can check your intended destination here.
Don’t panic, drink rum
While we have no scientific basis to recommend drinking rum to stay healthy while traveling (aside from a few articles like this one), a good glass of rum (or a tasty cocktail) could at least help you relax and enjoy the moment!

Cheers! Stay healthy and enjoy your vacation!
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