We recently ran across a picture of a beautiful blue rum drink called a Caribbean Mist on a website called Something Turquoise (picture of the drink). The hue of this drink was an amazing color, similar to the color of the water in say, The Bahamas, or Turks and Caicos. We needed to try it.
The recipe is simple and we had the ingredients on hand, so we mixed up a batch. The color was greener than pictured, so we tried one more time.
Now we’re certainly not rocket scientists, but pineapple juice is yellow and Blue Curacao is blue and when you mix yellow and blue you get…green. So – this is how the drink looked when we made it the second time.

The color was still not as blue as the beverage featured on the website, but it was pretty and had a wonderful light and fruity taste.
Pour it into a champagne glass and this beverage would work well for brunches or other nice occasions.
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Caribbean Mist
Servings: 2
Lightly dip the rim of each champagne glass in lemon or lime juice, then into the sugar (sanding sugar if available). Fill the glasses with crushed ice.
Pour the rum, pineapple juice and the dash of Blue Curacao in a shaker with ice and shake. Pour the mixture in the glasses, then fill the rest of the glass with soda water.
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